Academic Accessibility

Small classes; big opportunities

Be free to explore, grow, and impact the world. At SAU, there are no limits on what you can learn, and do.

SAU is not a large state school. Here, we focus on providing an education infused with personal, holistic compassion and care. Our small class sizes allow faculty to get to know you and your goals, aspirations, interests, and challenges. Then, they walk alongside you on your educational journey.

Ambrose students have an abundance of academic resources and the confidence to become world-shapers. We'll challenge you to explore, ask endless questions, solidify your ethics, and imagine what is possible.

Then, we'll push you to act.

Smaller is better

With an average student-to-faculty ratio of 12 to 1, your professors know you on a personal level.

Dedicated Faculty

We Support Our Veterans

Top 20

Best Colleges for Veterans

According to U.S. News & World Report, St. Ambrose is one of the best schools in the country for providing academic financial aid to veterans and active-duty service members.

Learn More

looking in microscope

Perform Research in Your First Year

As early as your first year, you can apply to take courses that allow you to develop and complete an original research project and present your findings.

student in London

Discover a World of Learning

Study Abroad

Our students have traveled around the globe to expand their academic education, serve others, broaden their worldview, and find their fit, place and passion.

Immersing yourself in another culture is eye-opening, brave, and unforgettable.

Go Places with Study Abroad

First-Generation Students

SAU appreciates the strength, persistence, and grit of first-generation students. We celebrate National First-Generation Day to celebrate those who will 'Bee First!' in their families to earn a degree.

Explore, Grow, and Impact the World

Research as an Undergraduate

Stand Out at the Undergraduate Scholars Conference
As an undergraduate student in the arts and sciences, you can present your research from the past academic year at our annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference.

Research With Your Classmates – and Professor
Spend a few weeks working side-by-side with your classmates and professor on a project for the Undergraduate Summer Research Institute.

Extend Your Education with High Impact Learning

Take On a Project
Many of our courses focus on academics, and action. Engineering students use their new skills, and build on them, too, by designing solutions to real challenges faced by businesses and people in the community.

A Biology student spent 15 days of his 2018 winter break in Hawaii working side-by-side with his Biology professor to study the effects of traffic noise on cricket communication.

Psychology majors can conduct 120 hours of on-site fieldwork and personally impact the lives of those they are serving through Field Experience.

Experiential learning is a critical piece of most St. Ambrose University programs and, often, it is a fast track to jobs. From internships to clinical partnerships, students find opportunities to connect their classroom learning to the real world. Within professional settings, they build their confidence and expand their skills. They graduate equipped with the academic and workplace experience to get a job and advance in their careers. Read this story

Providing Resources, Support, and Guidance

Get The Most Out of Services to Help You Succeed

We believe every student has the potential to be a world-shaper. We elevate that potential by providing the resources, support, and guidance each student needs to excel.

While SAU does not lower its course standards or alter degree requirements if you have a disability, the services we provide better enable you to demonstrate your academic abilities and future abilities in the workplace.

Our Accessibility Resource Center has dedicated staff for evaluation, academic advising, arranging alternative exams, and more. Click here to see a list of resources.

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? Click on the visit button below to learn more about our virtual and in-person visit options.